CBA Yorkshire Fireside Chats — Series Five


CBA Yorkshire Fireside Chats Series Five

Some videos display the presentations but not the continuing chat amongst those connected on the evening, others include the discussion.

The videos can be played by clicking on the Run button.

The controls are displayed by clicking on the button in the bottom righthand corner and enlarged to full screen by clicking on the Full Screen button 

If you are viewing this on a mobile, rotate your screen to ‘landscape’ to access all videos …

The Moated Sites of Yorkshire
There are many more moated sites across Yorkshire than you might think …
Stephen Lonsdale describes those which were the basis for his research.
Finds From the Bishops’ Palace Excavation at Howden
Karen Adams looks at the finds and shows how they have helped to understand more about the historical and archaeological activity associated with this Scheduled Monument, describing how finds can be assessed and appropriately processed.
Photographing Small Finds
Photographing finds is not a matter of snapping away. In this chat Eric Houlder shows a few techniques to make clear and meaningful pictures of finds … both on site and as part of the post excavation process.