CBA Yorkshire 2022 Symposium Videos

CBA Yorkshire Spring Symposium 2022

Finally, after a year and a half of co-vid precautions, CBA Yorkshire were able to run a face-to face conference.  Thanks to the facilities made available at York St Johns University it was decided to run the event as a hybrid with many viewing via ZOOM.  The talks were recorded using Zoom and then edited and uploaded to our archive with the permission of the speakers.  Please enjoy!

The videos can be played by clicking on the left-hand control bar buttons and
enlarged to full screen by clicking on the right-hand control bar buttons.

Steve describes his latest excavations reporting a 6000 year old Salt facility at Street House The 17th Century Chalk Tower site at Flamborough will potentially offer possible archaeological investigations
Historic England is developing a Research Strategy for the Yorkshire Wolds Peter Halkon outlines two major excavations in East Yorkshire, one Prehistoric and the other Roman
Wakefield features a Heritage Action Zone. Various projects are described from the scheme. Jon Kenny has been actively involved with numerous community projects and describes the latest in this video
John describes his latest community projects and ends with exciting discoveries.